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Future plans for Burnaby Hospital in the works

Health Minister Mike de Jong visited Burnaby on Friday afternoon to announce planning process; city MLAs Bloy and Lee will act as liaisons

What's up in the city this weekend?

As we celebrate the last weekend of April and May beckons, we're continuing with our popular feature - our staff's Top 5 (Or More) Things To Do This Weekend. This week, we have some great spring options in the city. Here's our Top 5 for this weekend.

Burnaby resident earns youth entrepreneur award

Burnaby resident Brittany Palmer was awarded a 2012 youth entrepreneur award recently. Palmer was awarded for her work starting a company that helps students get scholarships.

NOW gets national award nods

The Burnaby NOW took home a pair of accolades from Thursday night's Canadian Community Newspaper Awards ceremony in Toronto.
The children of Capitol Hill elementary

The children of Capitol Hill elementary

This school year, Capitol Hill Elementary has 312 students - which is about how many people lived in all of Burnaby when the very first school was built in this city in 1894.

Food swap coming up May 1

Bring homemade and homegrown goods to take part in second swap

Burnaby hero honoured

Remigiusz Janus was a firefighter in Poland before he came to Canada and that training came in handy on April 16. Janus, who lives in a fourth-floor apartment at 5560 Inman Ave.

Whooping cough is still active

Health authorities encourage people to get vaccinated

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Don't miss a single bit of Burnaby news. The Burnaby NOW is available anytime, from anywhere, on multiple platforms - so NOW readers always know what's going on in their community.

Gaming money helps pay for festivals, projects

The City of Burnaby spent $6.9 million from its gaming fund on city projects in 2011. A report from Burnaby's director of finance, Denise Jorgenson, shows that money was divided into $5.