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Chevron in peril?

Union rep says refinery may be phased out if crude oil is shipped to offshore buyers
SFU salt shed is not to blame, study says

SFU salt shed is not to blame, study says

But streamkeepers question the consultant's conclusions

Burnaby's Chevron refinery in peril?

The future of Burnaby's Chevron refinery could be in peril from a burgeoning demand for Canadian crude in Asia.

Burnaby family group gets funding

Money will help provide support for grandparents who are raising their grandchildren

Snowy owl in the city

A snowy owl perched in a tree in Burnaby has been catching the eye of passersby - and getting attention from its fellow feathered friends.

Notes from city hall

SMART METERS RAISE CONCERNS There is an issue with smart meters that not many people are aware of - the loss of meter readers' jobs, according to Gwenne Farrell, vice-president of COPE 378.

Five people arrested in Burnaby robbery

Five police departments worked together to arrest five men who they believe are responsible for a Jan. 26 robbery at a Burnaby business on North Road. At approximately 11 p.m. on Jan.

Clan Viked at home and away

The Simon Fraser University men let victory slip away in a Great Northwest conference basketball game in Bellingham, Washington. The Clan led for most of the game before surrendering an 86-75 decision to the Western Washington Vikings on Saturday.

Experience the Heights for free

Here on the Heights you will find a treasure trove of amazing shops and services. With lots of hidden gems from incredible restaurants to specialized retailers, there is simply something for everyone.

Burnaby robbery suspect arrested in New West

A man wanted in connection with two Burnaby bank robberies has been arrested in New Westminster. New Westminster police arrested the man last Friday after he allegedly held up a bank in New Westminster's downtown.