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Local News

One for the history books

Burnaby Citizens Association takes all seats for the second term in a row

Shelter opens to help cope with cold snap

Burnaby's extreme weather shelter opened its doors to the homeless for the first time this season, while advocates brace for what's expected to be one of the coldest winters in two decades.

Park expansions approved

Nine out of 10 Burnaby voters approved expansion for eight city parks - 27.98 more hectares in total - during Saturday's election. The community opinion questions were included in the ballots for Burnaby.

Voice pledges to be 'a thorn in their side'

Burnaby Parents' Voice may have been defeated in the 2011 civic election, but spokesperson Gordon World is still happy with the results. "We were ecstatic," World said. "We were not a party three months ago.

Corrigan wins fourth term as BCA takes all council and school board seats

They did it again. The Burnaby Citizens Association took all seats in the 2011 civic election; mayor, school board and council.

Voter turnout dropped slightly in 2011 Burnaby election

Despite a concerted effort by the City of Burnaby to engage voters, voter turnout dropped again in the 2011 municipal election. While the actual number of votes increased, so did the number of registered voters in Burnaby. In 2011, 23.

Burnaby RCMP officers receive Police Awards in Victoria

Two Burnaby RCMP watch commanders received Police Awards on Nov. 17 at Government House in Victoria. Both officers were commended for their work in Ridge Meadows, prior to their transfer to Burnaby. Staff Sgt.

Burnaby park expansions get voter approval

Burnaby voters approved expansion for eight city parks - 27.98 more hectares in total - by 90.57 per cent during Saturday's election. The community opinion questions were included in the ballots for Burnaby.

Volunteer earns recognition

North Burnaby volunteer Ken Ryan was honoured Nov. 7 with a Solicitor General Safety Crime and Prevention Award. Ryan began volunteering in 1995 with the Burnaby police and currently sits on the community policing advisory committee.

City approves grants

The City of Burnaby helped out Remembrance Day ceremonies with an in-kind grant of tents, chairs and a PA system for the services at the cenotaph at Confederation Park.