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NDP leader steps aside to fight cancer

Jack Layton, leader of Canada's official Opposition, has stepped down after test results showed he has more cancer, and SFU public policy professor Doug McArthur is calling it a real blow to the NDP.
More marmots in urban areas

More marmots in urban areas

Non-native marmots may be colonizing in the Lower Mainland

Countdown begins for Blues Fest

The much-anticipated Burnaby Blues and Roots Festival is just around the corner, and this year it features top-notch headliners such as Western Canada's own k.d. lang and the Siss Boom Bang. On Aug. 13 at Deer Lake Park from 2 to 10 p.m.

English centre opens for immigrants

North Burnaby site will give newcomers an opportunity to take English language classes

Burnaby woman missing for a week

The Burnaby RCMP are looking for the public's assistance in locating an Asian woman who has been missing since July 15. Yanting (Lancy) Hu was last seen on Friday, July 15, between 8 and 9 p.m., by her husband.

Riot arrests continue

Three Burnaby residents have turned themselves in to police

Attendance up, revenue down at Burnaby Village Museum

Since going to free admission in May, the Burnaby Village Museum has seen attendance increases of 749 per cent for the first two months.

New English centre for immigrants opens in North Burnaby

Immigrants and refugees in North Burnaby have a new place to learn English now that MOSAIC is opening the North Burnaby Learning Centre on July 25.

Forseth and Evans seek TEAM Burnaby council nominations

A quartet of notables will be seeking TEAM Burnaby council nominations at the civic party's July 31 nomination meeting.
Da Mario still family-friendly restaurant

Da Mario still family-friendly restaurant

Three years ago, I took my sisters for a family meal at Da Mario Ristorante Italiano in North Burnaby. It was one of the last chances for the three of us to have a quiet meal without significant others, children, parents and friends.