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Letter: Don't forget residents in cycling safety plan

Proposed cycling safety improvement measures could spell trouble for people living along Frances and Union streets, reader says.
A dedicated cycling path would cut parking options along Frances Street, a reader says.


I have extreme concerns regarding cycling safety improvement that could impact Frances/Union Street.

We live on the 4800 block of Frances Street, and most lots are 33 feet wide. Most people rely on front parking since the back is not a viable option. It is convenient, safe and necessary for aging homeowners and families with young children.

Both sides of the street are utilized during the day and especially at night.

Possible options for improvement include a designated cycling pathway, which would preclude parking on one side of the street.

Reducing the speed limit would be a possibility, but this would need to be respected by cyclists and cars alike. Not all cyclists heed stop signs. In fact, some even act like they own the road.

Please remember to make this route safe and attractive for everyone including the people who live here.

Joan Guindon