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Kindergarten lessons to take to the polls

Kindergarten lessons to take to the polls

Right around now in the civic election campaign we're thinking democracy may be overrated.
Long way from tolerance

Long way from tolerance

Dear Editor: Many thanks for your ongoing coverage of the Burnaby school board's controversial policy 5.
Debate is needed in policy issue

Debate is needed in policy issue

Dear Editor: Residents of Burnaby have come under unreasonable attack for engaging in rational debate over the anti-homophobic policy adopted by the school board.
Party focus uncertain

Party focus uncertain

Dear Editor: Re: Does the editor read minds?, Burnaby NOW, Nov. 11. So it begins.
Corrigan's claim leads to laughter

Corrigan's claim leads to laughter

Dear Editor: Re: Corrigan batting for a fourth term, Burnaby NOW, Nov. 9. I almost fell off my chair when I read Derek Corrigan's remarks about wanting "positive" people (his own) that he can "work with" on Burnaby council.
Parents in group face threats, too

Parents in group face threats, too

Dear Editor: Re: Not this parent's voice, Letters to the Editor, Burnaby NOW, Nov. 11. In a recent letter to the editor, "Melissa L.
Celebrate human rights at polls

Celebrate human rights at polls

Dear Editor: Having avidly followed the anti-homophobia circus created by the single-issue party Parent's Voice over many months, I was pleased to read the recent column by editor Pat Tracy (A clever mask for discrimination, Editor's Letter, Burnaby
Take time to vote

Take time to vote

Dear Editor: So now, all politicians are gearing up for election or re-election.
Not this parent's voice

Not this parent's voice

Dear Editor: I am a citizen of Burnaby and have been for the past seven years. My five year old daughter attends a school in this district. When Burnaby school district's policy 5.45 was brought about, I became a proud citizen of Burnaby.
A history of Community Living

A history of Community Living

Dear Editor: Community Living B.C. was doomed from the very beginning. It was never about greater individual and family control and improved service delivery. People have a short memory about how it was that Community Living B.C. was created.