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Musings on cabinet shuffle

Musings on cabinet shuffle

Some idle musings, random thoughts and scattered analysis of Premier Christy Clark's shuffle of her cabinet: Are the B.C.
Optimism, ambition, or none of the above?

Optimism, ambition, or none of the above?

We can officially anoint Fort Langley/ Aldergrove MLA Rich Coleman the most optimistic man in B.C. politics.
New take on boundary issue

New take on boundary issue

Dear Editor: There have been a number of reports and comments about the proposed new federal electoral boundaries as they would affect Burnaby. Permit me a different perspective on the issue. An analysis by PollMaps.
Pamphlets cost taxpayers

Pamphlets cost taxpayers

Dear Editor: The latest information pamphlet distributed by our Burnaby-Douglas MP Kennedy Stewart caused me to have a different, but still very negative reaction. Using federal funds in order to promote political doctrine should not be permitted.
Don't confuse irrational act with political action

Don't confuse irrational act with political action

It is something that we just don't see in Canada: Politically inspired gun violence.
Education funding rising

Education funding rising

Dear Editor: Re: Teachers go back to the bargaining table in spring, Burnaby NOW, Sept. 5. I hope the B.C.
Developers shape city's future

Developers shape city's future

Dear Editor: Re: Developers taking over city, Letters to the editor, Burnaby NOW, Aug. 31 I completely understand Mr. Week's frustration with city hall's position with respect to density bonusing in Burnaby.
Excerpts from a war with spiders

Excerpts from a war with spiders

Monday, Aug. 20. I came home from work to find a good-sized wolf spider scuttling across the living room floor. He must have been an inch and a half across. I swear, these hairylegged monsters are getting bigger every year.
HOV worsen Heights traffic

HOV worsen Heights traffic

Dear Editor: Re: Watch your speed, Burnaby NOW, Sept. 5. The article by Janaya Fuller-Evans does not address why people are avoiding Hastings Street and cutting through the residential street of North Burnaby to get to their destination.
City's trip to Asia costs taxpayers

City's trip to Asia costs taxpayers

Dear Editor: This council continues to amaze me in the way they waste our hard-earned tax dollars on junkets to other countries.