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Work resumes at Obama Presidential Center construction site

CHICAGO (AP) — Construction has resumed of the Obama Presidential Center, nearly a week after it was halted when a noose was found at the site on Chicago's South Side, the group building it said Wednesday.
Trump, bruised by midterms, vows to bring down Biden in fresh bid for U.S. president

Trump, bruised by midterms, vows to bring down Biden in fresh bid for U.S. president

WASHINGTON — Donald Trump, the twice-impeached former U.S. president, tossed his red ball cap back into the ring Tuesday — an exercise some observers say is as much about judicial self-preservation as it is a brazen display of political ambition.
Threats levelled after organizers change route of Nova Scotia Santa Claus parade

Threats levelled after organizers change route of Nova Scotia Santa Claus parade

SYDNEY, N.S. — A change in route for the Santa Claus parade in Sydney, N.S., has caused a fallout in the Cape Breton community, where organizers and city councillors are dealing with threats.
Trump-backed Republican kicked out of Wis. Assembly caucus

Trump-backed Republican kicked out of Wis. Assembly caucus

Chinese president warns Trudeau, charges that he 'leaked' details of talk to media

Chinese president warns Trudeau, charges that he 'leaked' details of talk to media

BADUNG, Indonesia — Chinese President Xi Jinping confronted Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Wednesday, accusing him of harming diplomatic relations by sharing details with the media about their meeting and then warning him in untranslated remarks th
Federal government seeking feedback on promised school food policy as inflation rises

Federal government seeking feedback on promised school food policy as inflation rises

OTTAWA — The federal government is looking to make good on its promise to implement a national school food policy, starting with getting feedback from Canadians.
Report slams lavish salaries at N.L. corporation responsible for Muskrat Falls dam

Report slams lavish salaries at N.L. corporation responsible for Muskrat Falls dam

ST. JOHN'S, N.L. — An auditor's report says there was no business justification for the high salaries paid to executives and managers at the Newfoundland and Labrador Crown energy corporation responsible for Muskrat Falls.
Sick child treated after migrant bus arrives in Philadelphia

Sick child treated after migrant bus arrives in Philadelphia

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A bus carrying 28 migrants from Texas arrived in Philadelphia on Wednesday, including a 10-year-old girl suffering from dehydration and a high fever who was whisked to a hospital for treatment.
Feds, tech fall short on watching extremists, Senate says

Feds, tech fall short on watching extremists, Senate says

The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security are failing to adequately monitor domestic extremists, according to a new Senate report that also faulted social media platforms for encouraging the spread of violent and antigovernment content.
Canada adds new sanctions against Iran as crackdown on protests continues

Canada adds new sanctions against Iran as crackdown on protests continues

OTTAWA — Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly has announced a fifth package of economic sanctions against Iran as the country continues its crackdown on human-rights protesters.