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Rob Shaw: Yes, the Canucks' playoff run led to a wine deal with Alberta

Rob Shaw: Yes, the Canucks' playoff run led to a wine deal with Alberta

A Vancouver Canucks playoff game sparked a resolution in the British Columbia and Alberta cross-border wine sales dispute
B.C. caps international post-secondary student enrolment at 30 per cent of total

B.C. caps international post-secondary student enrolment at 30 per cent of total

VICTORIA — British Columbia's government has introduced new guidelines for public post-secondary education institutions, capping the number of international students at 30 per cent of their total enrolment.
Media companies win court injunction against sports-streaming pirates

Media companies win court injunction against sports-streaming pirates

OTTAWA — Major broadcasters have won a court injunction to prevent internet pirates from illegally streaming live sports events to online viewers.
B.C.'s inflation rate ticks down in June

B.C.'s inflation rate ticks down in June

Province’s annual inflation rate hit 2.6% in June, says StatCan
How B.C. is building its brand in bespoke electric vehicles

How B.C. is building its brand in bespoke electric vehicles

The province’s nascent EV industry is benefiting from opportunities south of the border as global demand rises.
Airfares continue to rise from last year — and soar above pre-pandemic levels

Airfares continue to rise from last year — and soar above pre-pandemic levels

OTTAWA — Statistics Canada says airfares rose two per cent year-over-year in June, and continued to soar above pre-pandemic levels. Figures from the consumer price index show the increase follows a 4.
Growing majority disagree with a provincial name change for B.C., survey reveals

Growing majority disagree with a provincial name change for B.C., survey reveals

British Columbians have mixed feelings over reconciliation efforts, highlighting generational divides
B.C. Realtor fined $130K, banned for role in alleged mortgage fraud network

B.C. Realtor fined $130K, banned for role in alleged mortgage fraud network

Realtor Rashin Rohani bought five North Vancouver homes for herself using falsified income documents, according to BCFSA, the province's regulator of real estate
BCSC given administrative power beyond those of U.S. SEC

BCSC given administrative power beyond those of U.S. SEC

Recent fine, court decision highlight divergence in powers of separate regulatory agencies
B.C. premier wants to support N.L.’s plan to sue Ottawa over equalization program

B.C. premier wants to support N.L.’s plan to sue Ottawa over equalization program

B.C. Premier David Eby claims that equalization “has resulted in the last two years of a billion dollars going to Ontario, while B.C. taxpayers are struggling, just like everyone else, with affordability issues."