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What is the bargaining impasse between railways and workers actually about?

What is the bargaining impasse between railways and workers actually about?

MONTREAL — The country's two main railways and their workers remain at loggerheads over scheduling, safety or salaries — depending on who you ask — as the clock ticks down on contract negotiations. Canadian National Railway Co.
'On the brink': Airlines flee small cities, cutting key links to rest of the country

'On the brink': Airlines flee small cities, cutting key links to rest of the country

MONTREAL — From his office overlooking the runway at Gander International Airport, Reg Wright can see all flights in and out of his corner of Newfoundland. But in recent years, those plane spottings have been fewer and farther between.
Is a second exit out of Ladner still a possibility?

Is a second exit out of Ladner still a possibility?

The city in its submission states it ‘remains steadfast in its advocacy for the River Road Overpass as a crucial component of the Fraser River Tunnel Project’
Rail shutdown possible in two weeks, as lockout warnings follow labour board ruling

Rail shutdown possible in two weeks, as lockout warnings follow labour board ruling

Canadian National Railway Co. and Canadian Pacific Kansas City Ltd. both said lockouts on Aug. 22 are imminent, barring a breakthrough at the bargaining table.
Rail strike could be 'catastrophic' for Canadian economy: business groups

Rail strike could be 'catastrophic' for Canadian economy: business groups

CIRB rules rail services not essential to health and safety, setting stage for strike
Double trouble: B.C.'s economy threatened by rail and port strikes

Double trouble: B.C.'s economy threatened by rail and port strikes

Railway strike would be serious blow to economy: business groups
Coast Guard to end staffing at two B.C. lighthouses, following safety concerns

Coast Guard to end staffing at two B.C. lighthouses, following safety concerns

VICTORIA — Safety concerns have prompted the Canadian Coast Guard to make what is says is the "difficult decision" to end staffing at two lighthouses along British Columbia's coast.
B.C. port employers say foremen's union plans industry-wide strike vote

B.C. port employers say foremen's union plans industry-wide strike vote

The employers' group says the lawyer for ILWU Local 514 informed them of the vote this week after a case management meeting with the Canada Industrial Relations Board.
WestJet adding non-stop flight from Kelowna to Seattle in January

WestJet adding non-stop flight from Kelowna to Seattle in January

Potential boost for business and tourism with new Kelowna-Seattle route
BC United leader promises new SkyTrain to the North Shore

BC United leader promises new SkyTrain to the North Shore

In the run up to the provincial election this fall, Kevin Falcon is assuring voters he will also build a new 10-lane bridge to replace the Ironworkers Memorial Second Narrows Crossing