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This all-day breakfast spot is finally opening their first local eatery

This all-day breakfast spot is finally opening their first local eatery

Calgary’s wildly popular all-day breakfast and brunch spot OEB has been in the works to expand to Metro Vancouver for several months now, and opening day is finally on the calendar.
Real estate drop doesn't make it a buyers' market yet

Real estate drop doesn't make it a buyers' market yet

What does the housing market slowdown mean for buyer choice and affordability? A financial expert weighs in
Vancouver restaurant creates crazy $99 Caesar to celebrate Canada's iconic cocktail

Vancouver restaurant creates crazy $99 Caesar to celebrate Canada's iconic cocktail

There’s a new contender for the craziest Caesar in the city, but it’s only available for one day
Roving donut-maker picks Burnaby for first brick-and-mortar shop

Roving donut-maker picks Burnaby for first brick-and-mortar shop

Royal City Donuts , the New Westminster-based roving donut maker, has revealed plans to set up a permanent donut shop in Burnaby.
Richmond Night Market opens today

Richmond Night Market opens today

It’s time for the return of the Richmond Night market this week and with it, a plethora of food stalls, vendors, live entertainment and midway games.
Dine the Line and check out the awesome Burnaby places to eat and drink

Dine the Line and check out the awesome Burnaby places to eat and drink

Dageraad Brewing, Café La Forêt and Hanwoori Korean Restaurant among the featured stops
Here are some oddball Mother’s Day events in Vancouver to impress your mom

Here are some oddball Mother’s Day events in Vancouver to impress your mom

Because flowers and cards are so 2018, go watch boxing instead
'Chinese food' very broad, vague term: Top Chef judge

'Chinese food' very broad, vague term: Top Chef judge

The cuisine is too varied for one label, says Mijune Pak
This weekend is hanging basket weekend. Here are 5 tips

This weekend is hanging basket weekend. Here are 5 tips

This is Hanging basket weekend. While this is likely news to you, the garden retailers in your community are keenly aware that they will sell more flowering hanging baskets this weekend than any other. It is Mother’s Day.
Drink this: Red Racer After Hours Pale Ale by Central City

Drink this: Red Racer After Hours Pale Ale by Central City

Canada's Beer of the Year is more like a beer cocktail