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Letter: Let's get back to basics in replacing Burnaby's C.G. Brown Pool

Burnaby's new pool should just be "a large square box" without all the bells and whistles, this letter writer believes.
cg brown one
A rendering of the C.G. Brown Pool and Burnaby Lake Arena replacement.

The Editor:

Re: Burnaby staff recommend more expensive $240M option for C.G. Brown Pool, arena replacement (Dec. 9, 2023)

The City of Burnaby is about to blow the chance of having the best pool in western Canada.

This change of heart again shows that competitive swim sports are not valued by Canadians or municipal governments.

The Saanich Commonwealth Place pool is 30 years old and is a model of excellence for its age.

It’s a simple design. No architectural awards here but it’s very functional.

Functionality is the keyword to success. Two 50 metre pools with spectator seating and adequate desk space allows for all level of competition.

A dive tank and tower will service a small but amazing segment of elite athletes and at the same time a tower for a water slide.

A large hot top with an accompanying cold water pool will add to the health benefits we all seek. A steam room and sauna are also common spaces for health benefits.

All that lane space will service the public and sports clubs year round, even when competitions are taking place.

So, let’s do away with fancy designs and get back to basics.

No curved roofs, excessive glass walls and fancy accessories. A large square box will do it.

For a municipality that always highlights how caring and well off it is, it is about time to step up and put their money to work.

- Paul McNamara, Vice President of Simon Fraser Aquatics