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Opinion: Burnaby cops nail 11 U-turn freaks during sweep

Nearly a year to the day of a blog I posted about a driver with a death wish pulling a U-turn in the middle of Burnaby traffic (watch the video below), the local RCMP were cracking down on this dangerous practice.
u turn burnaby
Yep, great idea. SCREENSHOT

Nearly a year to the day of a blog I posted about a driver with a death wish pulling a U-turn in the middle of Burnaby traffic (watch the video below), the local RCMP were cracking down on this dangerous practice.

I’ve always had a hate-on for people who pull U-turns on busy roads. They’re not just illegal, they are dangerous because drivers can’t always spot what’s suddenly coming into view when they make that turn – like pedestrians or cyclists.

A U-turn is also the height of laziness.

Drivers just can’t be bothered turning at the next intersection and then heading in the opposite direction at the next turn. It’s saying that driver’s convenience is more important than safety. Read this story about a Burnaby driver who literally hopped a curb in order to pull at U-turn.

Well, Burnaby RCMP nailed 11 drivers for pulling illegal U-turns on Sunday, part of 34 violators they caught during a traffic enforcement project.

Police also caught 5 speeders, four distracted drivers, four unsafe lane changers, two tailgaters, one driver with no licence, 1 driving without consideration and a partridge in a pear tree. (Kidding about that last one.)

Follow Chris Campbell on Twitter @shinebox44.