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Letter: Motorists not the only source of danger on the streets

Near-miss involving unwary scooter driver prompts reader to reassess thoughts on road dangers
Inattention at crosswalks is a two-way street, a reader says.


I have held the opinion for some time that we would have safer roads and fewer accidents if all drivers were required to retest at the five year licence renewal. Do away with renewals ― everyone has to pass a road test in order to renew their licence.

My position is carefully considered. Up until about two years ago I was teaching family and friends to drive. I was an instructor many years ago, but I have to say, teaching new drivers is a real challenge. Most motorists - and I MEAN most motorists, simply do not obey road rules. This makes it especially difficult to instruct new drivers when you cannot rely on other drivers to react predictably.

Well, last Friday I discovered the problem goes beyond motorists. The older handicapped lady on the red scooter crossing Noel Drive at Lougheed is an example. I was on Noel in my pickup, waiting to turn right onto Lougheed. The lady was wanting to cross the pedestrian crossing heading east across my path. I had a red light, and she had a Don't Walk signal.

I checked her ― she appeared to awaiting the Walk signal ― and was deciding if I was going make my turn before, or after, the single car that was heading west on Lougheed towards me. Suddenly the scooter lady decided to bolt across in front of me. Had I decided to make my turn at that moment, I would have punched her off her scooter and likely onto the Lougheed Highway. I would have been my fault, of course, despite that fact that I was permitted to make that turn, and she was required to wait. That lady is very lucky to be alive.

Nick Batistic