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Water is not a problem

Water is not a problem

Dear Editor, Re: Is city too lenient with watering fines? Burnaby NOW, Aug. 5. The population of Vancouver, and, therefore, its demand for water, have been steadily increasing, and predictably so, for decades.
Let's ban smoking in multi-family complexes

Let's ban smoking in multi-family complexes

Dear Editor, Why is it that, given the knowledge we have on the effects of smoking and second-hand smoke, that smokers are allowed to light up on their patios or in direct shot to neighbouring windows or intakes? As a forward-thinking and green-frien
IT woes plague government

IT woes plague government

Just what is it with the B.C. government when it comes to expensive computer problems? The latest sorry chapter in this seemingly never-ending story was recently uncovered by Carol Bellringer, B.C.’s crack new independent auditor general.
OUR VIEW: Stopping idiocy is just the first step

OUR VIEW: Stopping idiocy is just the first step

As wildfires continue to rage around the province, Premier Christy Clark is making headlines for saying she wants to see harsher penalties for people who start forest fires.
Reader has pipeline questions for Burnaby mayor

Reader has pipeline questions for Burnaby mayor

Dear Editor, Mayor Derek Corrigan claims that the Kinder Morgan pipeline was his highest campaign priority, therefore he was elected on this issue. Mayor Corrigan is therefore compelled to answer the concerns of Burnaby residents.
Thanks for seniors' housing funds

Thanks for seniors' housing funds

Dear Editor, Re: OUR VIEW: New seniors’ home welcome news and Derby Manor gets city funding. Burnaby city council and the mayor deserve our congratulations for their work in finalizing plans for the George Derby housing expansion.
City must take lead on housing

City must take lead on housing

I would like to respond to Chiyo Buston’s letter of July 29 (Govts need to work together on housing). When Buston says that “Only homeowners pay property taxes,” the implication is that renters don’t pay taxes. This incorrect.
OUR VIEW: Do you feel better about the pipeline?

OUR VIEW: Do you feel better about the pipeline?

If you’ve been worried about the possible effects of the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion, you’ll want to check out the latest news starting on our front page today.
Writer wrong on property tax issue

Writer wrong on property tax issue

Dear Editor, Letter writer Chiyo Buston incorrectly argues that ‘only property owners pay property taxes.
NOW overly biased towards NDP

NOW overly biased towards NDP

Dear Editor, It seems to me that it would be obvious to even the most disinterested reader, that the Burnaby NOW newspaper (and especially the latest edition) is in the pocket of the New Democratic Party, nationally, provincially and municipally.