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Science trumps fearmongering

Science trumps fearmongering

Dear Editor: I am always impressed with the way science can knock down decades of baseless, misguided rhetoric and innuendo. Take the individuals and organizations who thrive on spreading baseless information; people with one axe or another to grind.
Tories need to back apology with action

Tories need to back apology with action

It was the exchange that launched a thousand face palms: NDP leader Tom Mulcair questioning Conservative MP Paul Calandra last week on the government's plan for Canada in Iraq.
First Nations have clout in Site C dam battle

First Nations have clout in Site C dam battle

A number of key First Nations leaders have adroitly realized the best way to kill the Site C dam project may be to hitch their potential support for building LNG pipelines to the dam never being built.
How's the view from your glass house?

How's the view from your glass house?

Dear Editor: Re: Letters to the Editor: Protesters help terrorism, Burnaby NOW, Sept 24 and Put conspiracy theories away, Burnaby NOW, Sept. 26.
Memo to complainer: You're not the only constituent here

Memo to complainer: You're not the only constituent here

With regard to the letter by Jim Ervin, How Is MLA spending her time? (Burnaby NOW, Sept.
Get off your butt and vote already: Here's #whyivote

Get off your butt and vote already: Here's #whyivote

I confess, I’ve always been a bit of an election geek. I couldn’t wait to turn 18 so I could vote – it was, as far as I was concerned, far more exciting than driving a car.
A game of hide-and-seek that has no winner

A game of hide-and-seek that has no winner

A document that has the title: A Step Backwards: Report Card on Government's Access to Information Responses doesn't exactly inspire trust in the B.C. government's commitment to transparency.
Free advice for municipal candidates

Free advice for municipal candidates

Today, for absolutely no charge, I'm going to give some advice to all those folks who are running for local office this November. Like all free advice, it's probably worth what you paid for it.
Kudos to Burnaby Green defender

Kudos to Burnaby Green defender

Dear Editor: Re: In Defence of Burnaby Greens, Opinion, Burnaby NOW, Sept. 12. Mr. Friesen exposes Mr. Melynk for his "not credible" comments (Wait for implosion, Letters to the editor, Burnaby NOW, Sept. 3). I praise Mr.
Enough with the conspiracy theories

Enough with the conspiracy theories

Dear Editor: Re: Protesters help terrorism, Letters to the Editor, Burnaby NOW, Sept. 24. I don't know how Mr.