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Can the NDP take Clark down?

Can the NDP take Clark down?

A sneak preview of what to expect in the next provincial election campaign was on full public display at the legislature last week - and both the Opposition and the government came away feeling pretty good about their respective performances.
B.C. government must step up and fund hep C drug

B.C. government must step up and fund hep C drug

Imagine you or a loved one has just been diagnosed with a potentially fatal disease. Then imagine your amazement to learn that a new drug being touted as "revolutionary" and a "miracle cure" could eradicate that disease. So far, so good.
Tankers add to air pollution

Tankers add to air pollution

Dear Editor: Re. Tanker safety is paramount, Letters to the editor, Burnaby NOW, Oct. 10.
Burnaby fire, ambulance deserve kudos

Burnaby fire, ambulance deserve kudos

Dear Editor: This letter is to express kudos to the Burnaby Fire Department and ambulance service. On Oct. 5 my mother-in-law had a fall in her apartment in South Burnaby and was unable to get to a phone for several hours.
Raccoons are not the city's problem

Raccoons are not the city's problem

Dear Editor: Re: Raccoons feast on her grubby lawn, Burnaby NOW, Oct. 8. The City of Burnaby, in my opinion, is not responsible for the grub-eating raccoons, which a reader in my area believes should be the case.
Burnaby city council should cooperate more

Burnaby city council should cooperate more

Dear Editor: Burnaby city council and the fire service make a good point about ambulance wait times (Ambulances are taking too long, Burnaby NOW, Oct.
Tanker safety is paramount

Tanker safety is paramount

Dear Editor: Re: Survey: Opposition to pipeline grows in city, Burnaby NOW, Sept. 24.
Corporate help for schools may come at a cost

Corporate help for schools may come at a cost

Dear Editor: Re: Burnaby school board accepts Chevron help rejected by Vancouver, Burnaby NOW, Oct. 8.
Harper hypocritical when it comes to pledges

Harper hypocritical when it comes to pledges

If a man is honourable does he keep his promises, his commitments, his word? If a country is honourable does that mean that its government keeps its commitments to other countries? We think most people would see those basic principles as admirable, c
This fight is all about oil

This fight is all about oil

Dear Editor: Re: Protesters help terrorism, Letters to the editor, Burnaby NOW, Sept. 24; and Is writer living in a glass house? Letters to the editor, Burnaby NOW, Oct. 1.