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Keep doctors out of assisted suicide

Keep doctors out of assisted suicide

Dear Editor: Re: Choosing her own fate, Burnaby NOW, Jan. 24. Assisted suicide should be legal. Doctor-assisted suicide should be set aside as a separate issue. It clouds the main point. It slows the whole debate.
B.C. Liberals should learn from costly mistakes

B.C. Liberals should learn from costly mistakes

Once again our provincial government has spun for us a cautionary tale. This one is rooted deeply enough in the past to qualify as historic. It was 2002. British Columbians had elected a new government about a year earlier.
Peter Julian raising hazardous train shipments issue

Peter Julian raising hazardous train shipments issue

It's not uncommon in Burnaby to see the NDP tag-team on certain issues. Maybe the mayor or councillors have a concern they raise in city hall, and the local MPs bring it up on the federal level, or vice-versa.
Is compromise possible on transit referendum?

Is compromise possible on transit referendum?

The increasingly serious game of chicken between the provincial government and the mayors of Metro Vancouver over transit funding shows no sign of ending.
Let the past be the past: No apologies needed

Let the past be the past: No apologies needed

Dear Editor: Re: Forum: Apology should include tax refund, Burnaby NOW, Jan. 22. As a Chinese Canadian with grandparents that came in the 1890s, I have heard about the suffering due to the head tax and stories of discrimination.
Don't insult Burnaby's electorate

Don't insult Burnaby's electorate

Dear Editor: Re: Burnaby suffers without opposition, In My Opinion, Burnaby NOW, Jan. 24. I read with interest the opinion piece of Rick McGowan. Golly, I had no idea we were living in a "benevolent dictatorship" in Burnaby! Seems Mr.
Time to end the apology 'nonsense'

Time to end the apology 'nonsense'

Dear Editor: Re: Forum: Apology should include tax refund, Burnaby NOW, Jan. 22. What a bunch of utter nonsense - education, reconciliation and a head tax refund.
Councillors need to listen

Councillors need to listen

Dear Editor: Re: Consider the source of criticism, Letters to the editor, Burnaby NOW , Jan. 15. This letter is in regard to the letter of Mr. Pietro Calendino, city councillor, and self-appointed “voice for the silent majority.” Mr.
City should OK seniors plan

City should OK seniors plan

Dear Editor: In October of last year, the George Derby Care Society came forward to city council with a plan to create over 100 units of below market rate housing units for senior citizens.
No-grade report cards a problem

No-grade report cards a problem

Dear Editor: Advocates for “no letter grade” report cards in our schools are again trying to push their agenda. This is nothing new. It’s been happening all over B.C. for years.