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B.C. Hydro smart meter saga continues for months

B.C. Hydro smart meter saga continues for months

Dear Editor: I initially sent a letter to B.C. Hydro indicating that I wanted to opt out from having a Smart Meter installed. At 5 p.m. on Easter Sunday 2012, an electrician from B.C.
Learn English before Mandarin

Learn English before Mandarin

Re: Smart to teach Mandarin, Letters to the Editor, Burnaby NOW, Feb. 22. Trevor Ritchie, who usually proclaims the virtues of socialism, this time decided to praise the wisdom of teaching Mandarin in Burnaby schools.
B.C. Liberals full of gas

B.C. Liberals full of gas

Dear Editor: The provincial budget table by the B.C. Liberals gave me cause to remember something my father said to me when I was thinking of buying my first car. The one I favoured was a used model that still promised dependability and performance.
Unions consist of people

Unions consist of people

Dear Editor: Re: NDP gov't would cost us, Letters to the Editor, Burnaby NOW, Feb. 22. Letter writer Shane Perich states that the NDP favours unions over people. I would remind Mr.
Questioning library hours

Questioning library hours

Dear Editor: Is there any sane reason why the malls are open longer than our libraries on weekends, the time when people most frequently visit the libraries? Elias Ishak, Burnaby
Good riddance to bureaucracy

Good riddance to bureaucracy

Dear Editor: Full marks to Premier Christy Clark and Finance Minister Mike de Jong for continuing to show restraint with respect to government hiring and government wages. The government bureaucracy in B.C.
Too many pipeline questions left unanswered

Too many pipeline questions left unanswered

A report from the federal commissioner of the environment last week points out once more the disturbing way Ottawa has failed to address legitimate concerns about British Columbia's pipeline proposals.
Logical to legalize marijuana

Logical to legalize marijuana

Dear Editor: For some time, I have believed that the only logical way of dealing with marijuana is to legalize possession for personal use. I don't think marijuana is harmless, but neither is alcohol or tobacco.
NDP gov't would cost us

NDP gov't would cost us

Dear Editor: History has shown that the NDP will always focus on helping big unions rather than people if they are elected. An NDP government would not be focused on the economy and would simply scare business and investment away from B.C.
Smart to teach Mandarin

Smart to teach Mandarin

Dear Editor: This past Tuesday I had the opportunity to attend the Burnaby Board of Education meeting.