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Pipeline must be replaced

Pipeline must be replaced

Dear Editor: I listened to the hot air on Saturday, July 7 at the Jennifer Atchison Environmental Centre. Some realities: ? The current pipeline was built in 1953.
Message remains the same for drunk driving

Message remains the same for drunk driving

The lesson just isn't sinking in - and innocent people will ultimately pay the price.
Christy Clark mum on pipeline

Christy Clark mum on pipeline

NDP leader Adrian Dix is noticeably frustrated by Premier Christy Clark's steadfast refusal to take a position on the proposed Enbridge Northern Gateway pipeline, and it's not hard to see why.
Coyotes out of control

Coyotes out of control

Dear Editor: The growing coyote population in Burnaby is becoming a major problem requiring immediate action. Dozens of house cats have been killed on our streets over the past few years.
Bigger fish to fry than Oda

Bigger fish to fry than Oda

Dear Editor: Bev Oda's resignation will cost us, the taxpayers, a lot more even if she had gotten away with us paying for the odd glass of juice or a limousine on stand-by. She used to get paid for work delivered.
Shark fin ban could deplete fish

Shark fin ban could deplete fish

Dear Editor: Re: Shark groups calls for ban on fin soup, Burnaby NOW, July 4 It has been said that 73 million sharks are killed each year. Some people, like Mr. Anthony Marr, called for the ban of sharks' fin.
Increased rates make sense

Increased rates make sense

Dear Editor: Over the last couple of months there have been several letters bemoaning the increase in the municipal property tax rates. Well, by now taxes have been paid.
Public unions walk a very narrow tightrope

Public unions walk a very narrow tightrope

We have to hand it to the union executive at the B.C. Government and Service Employees Union.
Time warp and deja vu

Time warp and deja vu

Dear Editor: Is anyone getting a sense of deja vu here? We're part way through a B.C. Liberal term in office, the teachers are in open revolt against the government, and Christy Clark is promoting her brand new anti-bullying program.
A closer look at the teachers' deal

A closer look at the teachers' deal

Teachers have just ratified an agreement with their employer, B.C. Public School Employers' Association, ending their year-long contract dispute.