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Incompetence or indifference - what is it?

Incompetence or indifference - what is it?

In most workplaces, a supervisor who hosts after-hours booze parties in his office, exposes himself to a subordinate and signs out company cars for sexual encounters would be fired. Immediately. Not in the RCMP.
HST boosts Ontario

HST boosts Ontario

Dear Editor: Re: Liberals HST 'joke' finally reaching its end, Our View, Burnaby NOW, May 18. You forgot to mention this very important information.
Let's inspect the 'machine'

Let's inspect the 'machine'

The poet Kahlil Gibran once wrote that "-when the black thread breaks, the weaver shall look into the whole cloth, and he shall examine the loom also.
City financial details 'appalling'

City financial details 'appalling'

Dear Editor: I was appalled after reading the self congratulatory comments from our local mutual admiration society, otherwise known as city hall.
Warnings fall short when lives are involved

Warnings fall short when lives are involved

Unfortunately, coroner's inquests by their very nature are usually proof that we have failed people. The inquest into the death of three Langley farmworkers in 2008 is one of the most tragic cases of hindsight we have seen in quite awhile.
'House of cards' will implode

'House of cards' will implode

Is there a housing bubble in the Lower Mainland? Housing zeppelin is more like it. Bubbles, after all, are soft and cute and harmless. Zeppelins, conversely, hurtle into the ground, spewing flaming wreckage in all directions.
Housing in high need

Housing in high need

Dear Editor: I'm thrilled to hear that the Portland Hotel Society is attempting to convert the 401 Motel into transitional housing for those in need.
When will labour dispute end?

When will labour dispute end?

Dear Editor: The B.C. job action continues to drag on without a definite resolution from either the government or the (B.C. Teachers' Federation) union.
Falcon's comment 'dumb'

Falcon's comment 'dumb'

Dear Editor: Finance Minister Kevin Falcon describes the PST as "stupid." As someone who voted against his government's alternative - the HST - I find his remark disrespectful and, for a politician, a totally dumb thing to say.
As weather warms, watch those windows

As weather warms, watch those windows

Last year, higher than average number of children fell from windows, sometimes with tragic consequences