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Learn rules for funding

Learn rules for funding

Dear Editor: Earlier in the year, the B.C. government unveiled new rules regarding how graduation scholarships would be calculated and awarded.
Let's put this behind us

Let's put this behind us

Dear Editor: Now that British Columbians have voted decisively to abandon the HST and go back to the former PST/GST system it is in everyone's interest for the transition to occur as quickly as possible.
Protest was inspiring

Protest was inspiring

Dear Editor: Unlike many Canadians, I did not get an opportunity to watch the state funeral of NDP leader Jack Layton. I have been to too many funerals lately to feel compelled to attend through television.
All changed by Layton

All changed by Layton

Dear Editor: Jack has left a strong legacy, not only in his living, but in his dying. His strong advocacy and ability to see both despair (to name it and respond to it) and hope in so many places will always remain his mark.
Votes are in, but outcome on HST still hazy

Votes are in, but outcome on HST still hazy

The hated HST is dead. Soon its equally unloved cousin, the PST, will be dug up and pressed back into service. Opposition parties and their allies are declaring victory, and corporations and their allies are predicting economic disasters.
AirCare costs confusing

AirCare costs confusing

Dear Editor: I took my car for AirCare inspection, in order to renew my insurance. Once again, even though it is now an old practice, the futile system left me incredibly frustrated.
What's the big deal with royal name change?

What's the big deal with royal name change?

What's all the kerfuffle about changing the names of some of Canada's armed forces anyway? If adding "Royal" to the Canadian navy and air force monikers suits the folks who actually wear the uniforms and serve our country so outstandingly well .
Memories of a 'scrappy' Layton

Memories of a 'scrappy' Layton

Dear Editor: I was truly saddened to hear that Jack Layton had lost his battle against cancer this past Monday morning. In a country that at times has lacked truly dynamic political personalities, Jack Layton truly stood out from the crowd.
NDP: The party that Jack rebuilt

NDP: The party that Jack rebuilt

Everybody's talking about Jack this week. I don't want to take away from the accolades and adulation aimed at his huge political achievements. Because his achievements have been huge.
How well run is city?

How well run is city?

Dear Editor: Re: Council is a product of democracy, Letters to the Editor, Burnaby NOW, Aug. 5. The Maclean's article on a well-run city is regurgitated every time there is a challenge as to how Burnaby is run.