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Letters: Burnaby residents 'thrilled' with council backtrack on city hall

"Keep doing this in a thoughtful manner and you will be re-elected forever," writes one NOW reader.
One Burnaby NOW reader is pleased that Kushiro Gardens will be saved, after city councillors agreed to keep Burnaby City Hall at Deer Lake.

Burnaby NOW readers shared their thoughts on city council's decision to keep Burnaby City Hall at Deer Lake — after public backlash about a proposed plan to build a new facility at Metrotown's Civic Square. 

Here are some highlights:

Thanks to Mayor Hurley and Burnaby council for listening to Burnaby residents and not building a new city call in Metrotown. Hopefully some City of Burnaby bureaucrats will use this as a “teaching moment” and listen to Burnaby residents and realize citizen input is an important component in making Burnaby a great place to live and work for the future.

Ken Pett


I am thrilled to learn that city hall will remain where it is. In July 2022, Kushiro Gardens was opened on the municipal lot to honour our sister city in Hokkaido, Japan. Bacabon Landscaping, under the guidance of retired parks board architect Kate Clark, created a beautiful tribute to nature that will now be secure to future citizens of Burnaby. I am especially pleased as I worked with the talented Burnaby city carpentry crew to fabricate the steel footing structures that holds up the main wooden entry gate.

Well done, Mayor Hurley!

Dave Laprise


I am so very glad that you have reversed your plan to move city hall to Metrotown location. I really appreciate the fact that you are responsive to the citizens. Keep doing this in a thoughtful manner and you will be re-elected forever.

Elizabeth Robertson