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Lack of emergency plan totally unacceptable

Lack of emergency plan totally unacceptable

Let's just imagine that a major fire broke out at the Kinder Morgan tank farm. We're not trying to fear monger here, but just humour us for a second.
Update on legal challenge against Kinder Morgan pipeline

Update on legal challenge against Kinder Morgan pipeline

While I was running all over Burnaby Mountain this morning, covering the protesters' faceoff with Kinder Morgan, Forest Ethics Advocacy held a press conference with updates on the legal challenge against the pipeline.
Corrigan and Co. have been good for Burnaby

Corrigan and Co. have been good for Burnaby

Dear Editor: This must be very trying times for any political party running against Derek Corrigan (BCA) and his team of councillors and trustees.
Burnaby has ruined it for longtime residents

Burnaby has ruined it for longtime residents

Dear Editor: Re: Burnaby's wake-up call, Letters to the editor, Burnaby NOW, Oct. 24. Vic Blancard has issued a wake-up call to the people of Burnaby who are bullied and threatened by loss of view and high property taxes.
Who's been drinking the corporate Kool-Aid?

Who's been drinking the corporate Kool-Aid?

Dear Editor: Re: Businesses pay majority of taxes, Burnaby NOW, Oct. 24.
Here's who I'm voting for on Nov. 15

Here's who I'm voting for on Nov. 15

In my mind, there are very few decisions I can make that are more important, and that will have more impact on my day-to-day life, than the names I mark my "x" beside on Nov. 15.
Have a scary - but safe - Halloween in Burnaby

Have a scary - but safe - Halloween in Burnaby

Everyone wants Halloween to be a fun experience, for themselves and especially for their children. It is, unfortunately, a time of year when the fun and excitement of the celebration can get mixed up with tragedy.
Burnaby council hypocrisy is unbelievable

Burnaby council hypocrisy is unbelievable

Dear Editor: I cannot believe the hypocrisy of Burnaby council re: Elias Ishak's signs and Corrigan's brochures (with picture) placed in Burnaby libraries.
Burnaby needs a change of scenery at city hall

Burnaby needs a change of scenery at city hall

Dear Editor: Re: Just get us some sidewalks already, Burnaby NOW, Opinion, Oct. 24. Burnaby is more than one hundred years old or more than one year old? I hope every candidate for the coming election knows the answer.
Highgate resident worried about traffic safety

Highgate resident worried about traffic safety

Dear Editor: I too am concerned about the safety of my neighbourhood, the Highgate area, which I have lived in for five years. Twice I have phoned the traffic department and have been told they are aware of the problem.