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Burnaby's tree bylaw should be stricter

Burnaby's tree bylaw should be stricter

Dear Editor: An open letter to Mayor Derek Corrigan and Burnaby city council: My family ties to Burnaby started in the mid-1930s, when my great grandfather purchased land on Springer Avenue.
Puppy mill dog found a happy ending

Puppy mill dog found a happy ending

I've been following the debate in council regarding the sale of live animals in pet stores, particularly Pet Habitat.
Take two minutes and save a life today

Take two minutes and save a life today

You can save a life today. When we think of saving a life, we think of someone jumping into freezing water to rescue people trapped in a car that slid off an icy road, or a firefighter running into a burning building to pull out a child.
Burnaby's community plan not relevant now

Burnaby's community plan not relevant now

Dear Editor: Tuesday's public hearing included rezoning for a 134-unit condo with three to four bedrooms each off Sperling Avenue and Canada Way, and sharing road access with the busy mosque and the No. 1 Fire Hall.
Fund HandyDART, not gondola plan

Fund HandyDART, not gondola plan

Dear Editor: Getting around just got harder, Burnaby NOW, Nov. 27. As the son of a person who used a power wheelchair, I appreciate the importance of convenient, speedy and affordable HandyDart transport.
School Act changes impacting B.C. students

School Act changes impacting B.C. students

Vancouver secondary students are in shock. In late November, the Vancouver School Board announced that high school students will be expected to attend school until summer break begins on June 27.
What is that oily sheen on the water?

What is that oily sheen on the water?

Here are a few tips on telling the difference between naturally occuring oily sheens on water and petroleum-based ones. How to tell the difference between petroleum sheens and organic ones: Take a whiff.
'Families First' agenda taking hits from all sides

'Families First' agenda taking hits from all sides

Well, the past week wasn't exactly a stellar one for Premier Christy Clark's Families First agenda.
Booze changes bound to give us a hangover

Booze changes bound to give us a hangover

Call us cynical, but we wonder if John Yap's announcement that beer could be sold in grocery stores was timed to go with the huge Hydro hikes and the release of yet another damning report on child poverty in B.C.
Pipeline doesn't help Burnaby

Pipeline doesn't help Burnaby

Dear Editor: Re: Pipeline will help Burnaby, Burnaby NOW, Nov. 29. I am writing regarding the purported "benefits" Burnaby will realize from Kinder Morgan's Trans Mountain Pipeline project.