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In the Community

Take us abroad

Would you like to be featured in Paper Postcards? Take a copy of the Burnaby NOW along with you on your next trip. Take a photo of yourself in front of a scenic backdrop or landmark, holding the newspaper.

Jane remembers her last cigarette - the one right before her heart attack

Jane Knowles remembers the last cigarette she ever smoked. It was on June 26, 2010 - the day she had a heart attack and found herself lying in a hospital bed with three stents in her chest.
Forty years in the Heights for Romana

Forty years in the Heights for Romana

During the past 40 years, people have marked their milestones at a family restaurant in Burnaby.

Talking trash in Burnaby

The Burnaby Heights Neighbourhood Association and the local library want you to cut down on waste. The two are teaming up to host a talk on Wednesday, March 13, featuring Tracey Tobin, an environmental officer with the City of Burnaby.

Whip up some Irish fare

There are a number of novelty consumables that consistently reappear in the marketplace during the days leading up to March 17th. These will most undoubtedly include items such as green tinted beverages like beer and milkshakes for example.

Anne answers

"Could you recommend some books for greenhouse gardening. My kids gave me a four-shelf plastic greenhouse last summer. They added a smaller three-shelf one this Xmas plus some vegetable seeds and a few flowers.

From civil war in Yugoslavia to Burnaby

Maya Mihajlovic and her husband came to Canada after civil war broke out in Yugoslavia in the 1990s. Mihajlovic has a background in science and teaching, and has two children who went to Burnaby's Maywood Community School.

Starting a conversation

The Burnaby Association for Community Inclusion (BACI) hopes to create a working relationship with council, in the name of supporting those with disabilities in the workplace.

Burnaby groups secure $500,000 for settlement work

Funds will help spread the message about creating a 'welcoming' community

Walks in the 'hood are gaining traction

It looked like it might rain when about 35 people took part in the first weekly walk in the Heights last weekend but by the time they were finished, the skies had cleared.