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Local Arts

Young performers sought for Burnaby show

Are you a Burnaby star on the rise? The Burnaby Arts Council is looking for emerging talent for its Stars of Tomorrow showcase. The performance will be at the Michael J. Fox Theatre on Dec.

Music across cultures

Burnaby's Ismaili Centre will get a sneak peek at a unique cross-cultural musical collaboration. Afghanistan's legendary Homayun Sakhi Trio will be performing a private concert at the centre on Nov.

Teen singer hosts benefit concert

Anjela Gerardo could have just had a 16th birthday party. Instead, she decided to try something different: organizing and performing in a benefit concert to help children in need.
DOXA film series continues in Burnaby

DOXA film series continues in Burnaby

The next screening in the DOXA Documentary Film Festival series at Shadbolt Centre is on next week. The Shadbolt Centre is presenting the Vancouver premiere of Jon Foy's Resurrect Dead: The Mystery of the Toynbee Tiles.

Book explores history of Italians in B.C

An author whose latest book explores the history of Italian immigrants in B.C. will be speaking in Burnaby. Lynne Bowen is set to appear on Nov. 5 from 2 to 3: 30 p.m. at the McGill branch of Burnaby Public Library.

Burnaby actors star in Joan of Arc story

Burnaby actors will be taking to the stage in the story of Joan of Arc, onstage at Douglas College. The Douglas College theatre and stagecraft departments are staging Jehanne of the Witches, running Nov. 12 to 19 at the Laura C.
Burnaby community mosaic unveiled

Burnaby community mosaic unveiled

An art project that brought the community together was unveiled on the weekend at the Burnaby Artists Guild's fall show.

Burnaby teen sings for the children

Anjela Gerardo could have just had a 16th birthday party. Instead, she decided to try something different: organizing and performing in a benefit concert to help children in need.

Take a musical pilgrimage with Burnaby choir

Phoenix Chamber Choir is inviting local music lovers along on a choral pilgrimage. The Burnaby-based choir, a 25-voice ensemble under the artistic direction of Ramona Luengen, is opening its 2011/12 concert season with The Path of the Pilgrim.

Arts Calendar

To Oct. 29 Spirit Level, presented by the Vagabond Players.