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Local News

Burnaby dentist takes solar-powered tools to Cambodia

Egon Nikolai, a local dentist and former Burnaby city councillor, left for Cambodia last week on a two-week working holiday. He is volunteering his medical services to help locals there, some of whom may have never seen a toothbrush.

Live TV show in Burnaby

New comedy show will be taped in front of a live studio audience in South Burnaby

Burnaby woman says eviction unfair

A Burnaby co-op resident says she is facing an unfair eviction from the co-op's board of directors. Cindy Hicks has lived at the Hillside Place Housing Co-op for 18 years, but has been told by the board of directors she must move out by Nov.

Elder abuse workshops

Those interested in learning more about elder abuse in Mandarin will have a chance to do so at a pair of upcoming workshops. The Burnaby Multicultural Society, at 6255 Nelson Ave.

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Premier does the honours

Premier does the honours

River Market holds busker auditions

If you've been secretly taking violin lessons for years, wondering when to showcase your hidden talent, your moment has now arrived.

Burnaby Heights mural in the money

A large mural of birds adorning the back wall at 4099 Hastings St. in the Heights is receiving funding from the city. Burnaby council approved a grant of $1,653.09 for the project at a recent council meeting.

Emails reveal Liberals rigging hospital review

Burnaby-Deer Lake MLA Kathy Corrigan has lost faith in the consultation process for the expansion of Burnaby Hospital after reviewing emails obtained by the B.C. NDP.

Local shop sees boost in wake of beef recall

Cioffi's Meat Market has seen an increase in wholesale beef sales in the last few weeks