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Burnaby will benefit from pipeline

Burnaby will benefit from pipeline

Dear Editor: Re: Pipeline will help Burnaby, Burnaby NOW, Nov. 29.
'Tis the season to be singing: Top choral picks for Christmas

'Tis the season to be singing: Top choral picks for Christmas

Nothing says Christmas like the sound of a choir singing. Yes, sleigh bells and snow crunching and the sound of presents being ripped open are all very Christmassy sounds, but choral music still wins as far as I'm concerned.
Pet store supporters got it wrong

Pet store supporters got it wrong

Dear Editor: After having attended last night's city council meeting on the sales of animals in Burnaby pet stores, I find myself this morning still reeling as to what I was witness to last night.
Time for common sense about trees

Time for common sense about trees

I am delighted to see more and more common sense opinions published from people who share my belief that council should not be interfering in citizens' desires to remove trees from their own property.
Transit changes are hurting vulnerable people

Transit changes are hurting vulnerable people

Dear Editor: On Nov. 12, my 90-year-old mother was sent a taxi by HandyDart due to lack of buses. She is recovering from an acute vertebrae fracture.
Liberals shouldn't count their chickens just yet

Liberals shouldn't count their chickens just yet

The Liberals may be celebrating polling success in the four byelections held Monday, but so many disparate factors were at play that it's too soon to anoint Justin Trudeau as the party's saviour.
Burnaby council let down animal rescue groups

Burnaby council let down animal rescue groups

After having attended last night’s city council meeting on the sales of animals in Burnaby pet stores, I find myself this morning still reeling as to what I was witness to last night.
Top five snakehead videos

Top five snakehead videos

I'm sorry, but I can't help myself. My latest story on the snakehead fish in the Burnaby NOW brings back memories of the Great Snakehead Hunt of 2012.
TransLink responds to HandyDART criticism

TransLink responds to HandyDART criticism

Dear Editor: Re: HandyDART changes are hurting vulnerable citizens (Burnaby NOW opinion, online, Nov. 21) TransLink works hard to effectively serve the transportation needs of our custom transit users, while operating efficiently within our means.
Feds should stop 'raiding' EI funds

Feds should stop 'raiding' EI funds

Dear Editor: I agree with the Canadian Taxpayers Federation. The federal government is inappropriately using the Employment Insurance fund as a cash cow.