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B.C. Ferries changes are badly needed

B.C. Ferries changes are badly needed

It's a surefire bet that whenever major changes are made to the B.C. Ferries system, the howls of outrage from ferry users are quick to follow. And the reaction was no different to the B.C.
Beer versus oil, what's better for Canada's economy?

Beer versus oil, what's better for Canada's economy?

There's a bit of a propaganda war going on now with the Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion proposal.
Burnaby MP calls for independent science watchdog

Burnaby MP calls for independent science watchdog

This press release came in from the NDP this morning, outlining how Burnaby-Douglas MP Kennedy Stewart is calling for an independent science watchdog.
Who's going to set B.C. Ferries on the right course?

Who's going to set B.C. Ferries on the right course?

If you are confused about whether the outrageous bonus scheme at B.C. Ferries is gone or not, join the lineup in the overflow parking lot. The corporation recently announced an end to the bonus scheme for executives and senior managers.
HandyDART changes are hurting vulnerable citizens

HandyDART changes are hurting vulnerable citizens

Getting around, is becoming more and more difficult as governments continue to practice "restraint" in budgeting for services. This is most evident when it comes to maintaining and improving the public bus system.
Keith Baldrey finally got it right

Keith Baldrey finally got it right

Dear Editor: For far too long I had believed that Keith Baldrey had missed his date with destiny, but I am beginning to think that he has now, finally, found his pace.
The simple way to save the planet? Energy efficiency

The simple way to save the planet? Energy efficiency

Dear Editor: The cost of exporting oil, gas and coal is exorbitant in taxpayer and shareholder dollars. Pipelines, rail, tankers, refineries, ports, on both sides of the Pacific - fossil fuels to build and operate such systems are incalculable.
Can we afford to gamble on climate change?

Can we afford to gamble on climate change?

Love him or hate him, David Suzuki is a cultural icon of the environmental movement on the West Coast. Recently I saw his Carbon Manifesto video on Youtube, and it affected me.
Pet store owner's presentation questioned

Pet store owner's presentation questioned

Dear Editor, Please accept this letter as a response to Tom Peters’, owner of Pet Habitat, delegation to council, Nov. 18, 2013.
Fire inappropriate teachers

Fire inappropriate teachers

Dear Editor: Re: Teacher disciplined for using inappropriate force, Burnaby NOW , Nov. 15. I read about the teacher who was using inappropriate discipline. I think that she should have been fired immediately for mistreating her students.