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Financial info should be online

Financial info should be online

It is one of the ironies of the news business. The public usually doesn't have an opinion on information or its importance to them until such information is made public and they have a chance to read it. This may seem obvious to many readers.
Youth for tan-free futures

Youth for tan-free futures

Dear Editor: The Ministry of Health has just announced that the B.C. government will be banning indoor tanning for youth under the age of 18. We thank the B.C. government for taking this step towards protecting the health of B.C.'s youth.
Is cleanliness guaranteed?

Is cleanliness guaranteed?

Dear Editor It is good news indeed that an all-out cleanup has stopped the contagion of C. difficile at Burnaby Hospital.
Teachers have right to choose

Teachers have right to choose

Dear Editor: Re: Teachers deserve recognition, Letters to the editor, Burnaby NOW, March 9. I'm writing in response to the writer's comments regarding the teachers' strike.
Legal brothels - anti-woman or a good move?

Legal brothels - anti-woman or a good move?

Ontario Appeal Court legalizes brothels, saying women are safer in a house that provides protection and security
Pipeline brings concerns

Pipeline brings concerns

Dear Editor: Re: Mayor wants public consultation on pipeline, Burnaby NOW, March 7 and Where is the pipeline outcry, Letter to the Editor, Burnaby NOW, March 14.
Deliberate avoidance?

Deliberate avoidance?

Dear Editor: We are told that campaign disclosure documents from the last municipal election are supposed to be made available for public viewing.
Kinder Morgan extends call

Kinder Morgan extends call

Kinder Morgan is reopening a call for long-term binding contracts tied to the expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline, a 1,150-kilometre line that runs petroleum products from the Alberta tar sands to Burnaby.
Tanning law a big step in the right direction

Tanning law a big step in the right direction

We're the first to complain about wrongdoing in high places or the inefficient use of tax dollars or the frequently short-sighted decisions that come from government bodies at all levels.
Terrible hospital stay

Terrible hospital stay

Dear Editor: I am a senior who had to have surgery for cancer at the Burnaby General Hospital. My recent experience in the hospital is unacceptable. After my cancer operation, I had to share my room with other patients.