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Keep close watch on B.C.'s pipeline debate

Keep close watch on B.C.'s pipeline debate

The complexities of a debate over oil pipelines are enough to want to stick your head in the tar sand and pretend nothing is happening. If ever there were was a multi-faceted issue, it's this one. There's jobs versus the environment.
Remember leash laws

Remember leash laws

Dear Editor: Re: Winter fun, front-page photo, Jan. 4, Burnaby NOW. Confederation is not an off-leash park. There is a huge off-leash area beyond the playground.
Don't speak for me, please

Don't speak for me, please

Dear Editor: In his misinformed letter (Future predictions, Letter to the editor, Burnaby NOW, Jan.
Future predictions

Future predictions

Dear Editor: Seeing as I seem not to have got my two cents worth on the matter in question (though not from lack of trying) I think that it is time for a little commentary from those not quite so enamoured with the whole matter as are the Burnaby Tea
Can anyone justify this kind of wage gap?

Can anyone justify this kind of wage gap?

A top Canadian executive will have been paid 189 times what the average Joe or Josephine received in 2010
Common courtesy is lost

Common courtesy is lost

Dear Editor: I just finished reading Darcy Olson's letter (Riots have root causes, Letters to the editor Dec. 30) attempting to explain the root causes of the "Stanley Cup riot" this past spring.
Do some research

Do some research

Dear Editor: It never ceases to amaze me that people can be so poorly informed about such things as smart meters and renewable energy development. After all, we live in a world with easy, almost instantaneous, access to accurate information.
Thanks to city

Thanks to city

Dear Editor: An open letter to Mayor Derek Corrigan: Just a few words to congratulate the city staff "on-call" that looked after a sewer drain backfill during New Year's Eve. The call was promptly taken and dispatched.
Lighting a candle

Lighting a candle

Dear Editor: Thank you for featuring this heart-warming story (A family portrait, Burnaby NOW, Dec. 21).
Crime pledge needs real money

Crime pledge needs real money

Premier Clark's support for the federal government's get-tough-on-crime legislation, which will require increased provincial spending, is ironic given her government's failure to adequately fund our current system.