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A poem for the premier

A poem for the premier

Dear Editor: We women don't care for Christy Crunch. If you don't know why, you're out to lunch. We're millions in debt and taxed to the hilt, no homes for the poor for few have been built. Our hospitals, schools all need repair.
Pedestrians breaking the rules

Pedestrians breaking the rules

Dear Editor: One of the reasons there has been an increase in the number of accidents involving pedestrians is that more and more pedestrians break the traffic rules.
Protect whistleblowers to protect public good

Protect whistleblowers to protect public good

How do you protect taxpayers from boondoggles in provincial and federal governments? How do you protect consumers from tainted beef? How do you discourage all levels of governments from burying bad decisions, misusing public funds and mismanagement?
What does NDP have planned?

What does NDP have planned?

There is increasing pressure on NDP leader Adrian Dix to provide some clear indications of what kind of policies he would implement should he become premier.
Money should go to ensuring safety around pipelines in city

Money should go to ensuring safety around pipelines in city

Dear Editor: Re: Risks not worth it, Letters to the Editor, Burnaby NOW, Nov. 30 and Emergency generator part of $2M city upgrade, Burnaby NOW, Nov. 30.
It's a risky time for drivers and pedestrians

It's a risky time for drivers and pedestrians

This is a particularly risky time of the year to be a pedestrian. It gets dark early, and is often pitch black outside by the time many commuters hit the road for home.
Data speaks for itself

Data speaks for itself

Dear Editor: Re: Is it truth or repeated lies, Letters to the Editor, Burnaby NOW, Nov. 30. Ziggy Eckardt appears to be claiming the position of local champion of the global warming deniers.
So, who is going to heal our ailing hospital?

So, who is going to heal our ailing hospital?

Forget for a moment that the Liberal boosters on the Burnaby Hospital's community consultation committee displayed an awesome lack of email due diligence when they chatted about how they could turn the report into a political tool.
Vigils important but not enough

Vigils important but not enough

The candlelight vigils that take place every Dec.
Good staff, bad problems

Good staff, bad problems

Dear Editor: MLA Harry Bloy's report regarding Burnaby Hospital will keep discussions going for some time to come.