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The day health care changed

The day health care changed

Ten or so years from now, we may look back and circle Dec. 19, 2011 as the day our health-care system embarked on a new path. Whether it will ultimately be a good or bad path remains to be seen.
Mark-ins send right message

Mark-ins send right message

Dear Editor: As a participant in last Wednesday's "mark-in" at Metrotown, I am pleased that Kelvin Chan ('Markins' the wrong approach, Burnaby NOW, Letters to the editor, Jan. 18) says he is aware of the long hours that teachers put in.
Take the next step - ban hands-free devices

Take the next step - ban hands-free devices

Statistically speaking, there are 16 people alive today who quite probably would not have been if B.C. hadn't enacted its distracted driving law two years ago. Enacted on Feb.
Teachers deserve more pay

Teachers deserve more pay

Dear Editor: I read with dismay the editorial and letters to the editor this week.
Fear, panic and the new disease

Fear, panic and the new disease

Today we're going to learn about Totally Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (or TDR-TB), but first we're getting a history lesson.
Pro-gay position refuted

Pro-gay position refuted

Dear Editor: I am disappointed with Pat Tracy's pro-gay position (Hate: Often in the ear of the listener, Editor's Letter, Burnaby NOW, Jan. 13). First, I oppose homosexuality and its advocates. I am irreligious and fair minded.
Teachers strike out on wage hike demands

Teachers strike out on wage hike demands

No surprises here. B.C. public school teachers want a raise. And while some may label their bargaining proposal a hefty one and others may call it modest - it really doesn't matter because it's a nonstarter.
Park curfews a proactive idea

Park curfews a proactive idea

Dear Editor: Re: City says no to park curfews, Burnaby NOW, Jan. 11. Mr. Hasek has a valid point on park curfews during the dark hours. Humans are not nocturnal animals and, as such, should not be strolling around in parks after dark.
Who's going to benefit?

Who's going to benefit?

Dear Editor: Re: Job losses are a real concern, Letters to the editor, Burnaby NOW, Jan. 13.
The stories that matter

The stories that matter

Dear Editor: My thanks go out to David Starr, principal of Edmonds Community School, and author of From Bombs to Books: The remarkable stories of refugee children and their families at an exceptional Canadian school.