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Raw food best option for pets

Raw food best option for pets

Dear Editor: The recent Burnaby NOW column on pet food stated that all the evidence about raw food is anecdotal. I see and hear from my customers on a daily basis about the changes they have seen in their own animals.
Thank you from the Gogos

Thank you from the Gogos

Dear Editor: This week, a member of Burnaby Gogos picked up three jars of pennies from a woman who called because she'd been saving them since noticing the Burnaby NOW article, "Grandmothers want change.
Rage can stem from small things

Rage can stem from small things

If I could redesign humans, starting from the ground up, I'd probably change a whole lot of things. But if I could only make one tweak, I'd add a safety valve.
Thankful for committee

Thankful for committee

Dear Editor: Re: We absolutely need a new hospital, Burnaby NOW, Dec. 5.
Burnaby Hospital must be fixed

Burnaby Hospital must be fixed

Dear Editor: The letter from Ziggy Eckardt says it all and so politely.
Hospital report has uses

Hospital report has uses

Dear Editor: I disagree with the opinion that the recent politically motivated and politically executed review of Burnaby Hospital operations is useless. I think we should bundle up all the copies of the report and send them to Burnaby Hospital.
A poem for the premier

A poem for the premier

Dear Editor: We women don't care for Christy Crunch. If you don't know why, you're out to lunch. We're millions in debt and taxed to the hilt, no homes for the poor for few have been built. Our hospitals, schools all need repair.
Pedestrians breaking the rules

Pedestrians breaking the rules

Dear Editor: One of the reasons there has been an increase in the number of accidents involving pedestrians is that more and more pedestrians break the traffic rules.
Protect whistleblowers to protect public good

Protect whistleblowers to protect public good

How do you protect taxpayers from boondoggles in provincial and federal governments? How do you protect consumers from tainted beef? How do you discourage all levels of governments from burying bad decisions, misusing public funds and mismanagement?
What does NDP have planned?

What does NDP have planned?

There is increasing pressure on NDP leader Adrian Dix to provide some clear indications of what kind of policies he would implement should he become premier.