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Efficiencies need to be found

Efficiencies need to be found

Dear Editor: I am writing with respect to your recent editorial: Let's distinguish between victim and villain, Burnaby NOW, Dec. 30.
Will global protests lead to lasting change?

Will global protests lead to lasting change?

If there is one way history will mark 2011, it will be as the year the people regained their voice. With luck, 2012 will be remembered as the year that voice brought about change.
Keep the letters coming

Keep the letters coming

Dear Editor: The year 2011 has been a very interesting year. We were confronted with a lot of political issues, provincially and municipally, such as the referendum, the election, the rioters, the adoption of the 5.
Hospital gets thanks

Hospital gets thanks

Dear Editor: On Dec. 4, I ended up in the emergency at Burnaby Hospital. It was a busy night, but the staff all did their jobs diligently.
Riots have root causes

Riots have root causes

Dear Editor: Surely the Stanley Cup hockey riot was the story of the Lower Mainland in 2011. What has been the fallout from that night? The politicians have not learned one iota from it.
Keep "Christmas" greeting

Keep "Christmas" greeting

Dear Editor: The stories that people shared about their Christmas memories were enjoyable to read and got me thinking about my Christmas memories growing up.
Let's distinguish between victim and villain

Let's distinguish between victim and villain

Justice system in B.C. falling apart with lack of funding for legal aid and onginog shortages of judges and sheriffs
2011: The Year in Cartoons

2011: The Year in Cartoons

A year in images
Uniting opposition a good idea

Uniting opposition a good idea

Dear Editor: Re: TEAM looking to unite opposition, Burnaby NOW, Dec. 14.
Let Kyoto stay buried

Let Kyoto stay buried

Dear Editor: Re: Kyoto dropout is disastrous, Letters to the editor, Burnaby NOW, Dec. 16. Au contraire! The Conservative government's realism to abandon the Kyoto Protocol is to be applauded.