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Tolerance goes both ways

Tolerance goes both ways

Dear Editor: Contrary to popular belief, it wasn't the Grinch who stole Christmas. It was the overzealous PC Police who seem to have nothing better to do than exert their pious opinion on everything they deem wrong with society.
Stoners need a better argument

Stoners need a better argument

I once spoke to an RCMP officer who works with teenagers, and she rolled her eyes and described the stupid arguments that she hears about pot.
Political 'cowardice' at city hall

Political 'cowardice' at city hall

Dear Editor: Burnaby city council has recently voted to increase water and sewer rates in order to pay for infrastructure upgrades that are no doubt needed and required to protect the safety of our drinking water, but the reasons given for why the am
Noise is disruptive

Noise is disruptive

Dear Editor: Re: Noise is 'anti-us', Burnaby NOW, Nov. 30. Noise is all around us. It is easy for people to have read the article and dismissed it as another case of someone whining about something.
Just this one time' no longer a good excuse

Just this one time' no longer a good excuse

Remember the good ol' days? The days when no one batted an eye if you drank all night long and then grabbed your jacket, hat and keys and toddled off to the parking lot in a not-so-straight line? When everyone left well enough alone about whether or
Here comes Santa Claus - maybe

Here comes Santa Claus - maybe

With pencil-crayon in hand, I sat down with my four-year-old this week to help him craft his letter to Santa.
Bad judgment to blame

Bad judgment to blame

Dear Editor: The B.C. Liberal Party was re-elected in 2009 largely on the premise (if not promise) that it was the better manager of the province's finances.
Watch out for this watchdog on city spending

Watch out for this watchdog on city spending

Auditor general plan could provide great oversight, but interference from Victoria may turn it into a political tool
Ignore that nutty prince

Ignore that nutty prince

Dear Editor: Prince Phillip of England recently said that he doesn't like wind energy and believes it to be "absolutely useless.
Who will protect rights?

Who will protect rights?

Dear Editor: Will Burnaby's current four MLAs - Harry Bloy, Raj Chouhan, Kathy Corrigan, and Richard Lee - be amongst those who take a public stand to protect the democratic rights of Burnaby residents? Some democratic rights are won and protected in