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Burnaby trustee failed to mention students

Burnaby trustee failed to mention students

Dear Editor: I write in response to Ron Burton's "Teachers just searching for respect" (Burnaby NOW, Sept. 4).
Burnaby needs new mayor and council

Burnaby needs new mayor and council

Dear Editor: The following email is in answer to your item which was posted on Aug. 27, "City sends emergency resolution to UBCM to stop Kinder Morgan's plans." We are against Mayor Derek Corrigan and his dictatorial attitude.
Ferry fare hikes have been bad for everyone

Ferry fare hikes have been bad for everyone

Rising ferry fares combined with service cutbacks have scuppered a sizable chunk of the province's economy, according to a report released last week. The report, commissioned by the Union of B.C.
Public education is the cornerstone of society

Public education is the cornerstone of society

Dear Editor: After reading some of your editorial letters about the B.C.
Don't put the blame on teachers

Don't put the blame on teachers

Dear Editor: Re: Teachers just don't get it, Letters to the editor, Burnaby NOW, Sept. 10. It's obvious that Tim Savage does not support teachers in their negotiations with the government.
The truth about B.C. school spending

The truth about B.C. school spending

The latest update to the state of the province's finances is a reminder of two trends that have characterized the priorities of the B.C. Liberal government since it came to power in 2001.
In defence of Burnaby's Greens

In defence of Burnaby's Greens

Re: Wait for implosion, Letters to the editor, Burnaby NOW, Sept. 3. I write to you in my capacity as president of the Burnaby Municipal Greens. In this role I countersigned nomination papers for our 2011 slate.
B.C. should follow Burnaby's lead

B.C. should follow Burnaby's lead

Dear Editor: Congratulations, Burnaby, for putting the health of your community and successive generations first (City files civil claim to stop Kinder Morgan, Sept. 10).
Yes, $3 makes a difference

Yes, $3 makes a difference

Dear Editor: They say a $3 increase will not break the bank for most drivers.
Liberals need a reality check

Liberals need a reality check

Dear Editor: Education Minister Peter Fassbender and Premier Christy Clark have stated numerous times that the B.C. Teachers' Federation needs to be "realistic." I am a teacher and I have a reality check for them.