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The solution starts with home

The solution starts with home

Each homeless person has his or her own life circumstance that led to homelessness.
Dog owners have lessons to learn

Dog owners have lessons to learn

Dear Editor: I walked around Burnaby Lake last Sunday with my very well-trained dog. One hundred per cent of the dogs I met were not vicious – playful, excited, happy or nervous, but not vicious.
A right to live must also include a right to die

A right to live must also include a right to die

Last week, the B.C. Court of Appeal ruled that Canada’s laws against assisted suicide are constitutional. They may very well be, but it does not make them just.
Target owners, not dogs

Target owners, not dogs

Dear editor: Re: Kudos for dog bylaw, Letters to the edtior, Burnaby NOW , Oct. 9.
Don’t give Rottweilers bad press

Don’t give Rottweilers bad press

Dear Editor: Re: Kudos for dog bylaw, Burnaby NOW , Letters to the editor, Oct. 9.
Backtracking on greenhouse gases

Backtracking on greenhouse gases

Ever since she became leader of the B.C. Liberal Party, Christy Clark has sought to distance herself from her predecessor, Gordon Campbell, whenever possible. And she may be doing it again when it comes to dealing with climate change.
It isn’t always easy to see homelessness

It isn’t always easy to see homelessness

Eight years hasn’t been long enough for a week to solve the problem, but it is creating awareness and making a difference.
Be kitchen smart and help to prevent fires

Be kitchen smart and help to prevent fires

The kitchen is perhaps the most important room in the average home. You cook there. You clean there. You eat there. You store food there. You hang out there. Parties often end up there as the festivities start to fade into the wee hours.
Oh Quebec, you used to be so cool

Oh Quebec, you used to be so cool

Every province tries to be cool in its own way. You've got your Albertan version (tough cowboys), your Maritime version (fiddle-playing Celtic folks with weird accents), and your B.C. version (stoned slackers).
Burnaby made right decision on pit bulls

Burnaby made right decision on pit bulls

Dear Editor: Re: City will keep pit bulls muzzled in dog bylaw, Burnaby NOW, Oct. 2.