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Burnaby mayor wastes taxpayers' money

Burnaby mayor wastes taxpayers' money

Dear Editor: Re: "Burnaby mayor back from whirlwind tour of waste-energy facilities in Sweden," Burnaby NOW online, Sept. 27.
Golden Ears? More like a white elephant

Golden Ears? More like a white elephant

The Golden Ears Bridge cost more than $800 million to build, but that could be dwarfed by the costs of subsidizing it over the long haul.
Burnaby MLA speaks up on Hydro issue

Burnaby MLA speaks up on Hydro issue

Dear Editor: Re: Burnaby-Lougheed MLA is MIA, Letters to the editor, Burnaby NOW, Sept. 27. I fully understand and share the frustration that Mr.
Kudos to Burnaby for vicious dog bylaw

Kudos to Burnaby for vicious dog bylaw

Dear Editor: I am writing to express my delight that our city council has reaffirmed the role of common sense in protecting its citizens.
'Ethnic politics' still a murky issue in B.C.

'Ethnic politics' still a murky issue in B.C.

The sensitive and sometimes murky world of so-called "ethnic politics" continues to engulf both of B.C.'s major political parties.
What will be Burnaby's response when our children get bitten by other breeds?

What will be Burnaby's response when our children get bitten by other breeds?

Dear Editor: I suspect that, like me, the vast majority of Burnaby residents do not tune into the goings on in city hall until there is an issue on the table that they care deeply about.
Burnaby council pit bull decision bites

Burnaby council pit bull decision bites

Dear Editor I recently attended two Burnaby council meetings at which an animal law litigator, a published academic researcher, a biologist, a business-community representative, an animal behaviour consultant and a breed expert presented overwhelming
Lights are on, but nobody's home at B.C. Hydro

Lights are on, but nobody's home at B.C. Hydro

Hard on the heels of a leaked report stating B.C. Hydro customers can look forward to a rate hike of up to 26 per cent in the near future comes unfortunately timed information about the bloated salaries paid to many at the Crown corporation.
Stewart speaks to the uninformed

Stewart speaks to the uninformed

Dear Editor: Mr. Kennedy Stewart must think the Burnaby-Douglas voters are a very uninformed lot! In his latest (super-sized) mailer he tells us on the front page: "How Government Cuts to Service Canada Affect You" and "Kinder Morgan Pipeline Update.
Julian would be an excellent leader

Julian would be an excellent leader

Dear Editor: Re: MP Peter Julian wants 'bosses' OK to run, Burnaby NOW, Sept. 26. Kudos to Peter Julian for considering giving up his position as MP in order to run for the B.C. NDP leadership.