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Time to move to year-round school calendar

Time to move to year-round school calendar

Ah, summer holidays - long days of riding bikes, setting up lemonade stands and hanging out in tree forts. It's a lovely image, but not one that holds much truth these days.
Leave the chickens alone

Leave the chickens alone

Dear Editor: Re: Why has city chickened out?, Letters to the editor, Burnaby NOW, April 27. I can't believe that the chickens issue has hatched again.
Keep recreation fees affordable

Keep recreation fees affordable

Dear Editor: Re: Visiting some city facilities will cost you more, Burnaby NOW, April 25. Burnaby city council has recently voted on the new facility use fee schedule for the upcoming year.
Why has city chickened out?

Why has city chickened out?

Dear Editor: Due to everything becoming more expensive in the Lower Mainland and Earth Day rattling around in my head, I'm looking into creative (or old-fashioned) ways to save money and our lovely planet.
Have police earned this loss of confidence?

Have police earned this loss of confidence?

Poll reveals that only about one in four B.C. residents still have faith in the RCMP or their local police force
Teacher speaks out

Teacher speaks out

Dear Editor: I have noticed many letters to the editor about teaching, some supportive but mostly not. The public appears disgusted by teachers.
Farm workers deserve fair pay

Farm workers deserve fair pay

On May 1, the B.C. government will be reminding us of a scheduled increase in the minimum wage on that date from $9.50 to $10.25 per hour.
Air and water don't respect political borders

Air and water don't respect political borders

There is a rather natural logic to why the federal government should have clear and non-political rules regarding Canada's environment. For the most part, Canadians don't want to see freshwater resources either polluted or squandered.
Criticism of teachers offensive

Criticism of teachers offensive

Dear Editor: Re: The 'absurd' truth about teachers' pay, In my opinion, Burnaby NOW, April 13. Teachers are not "pretending" that they need a raise, and to suggest so is not only unprofessional, but truly offensive.
Property tax too high

Property tax too high

Dear Editor: Re: Quit wasting taxpayer dollars, Letters to the editor, Burnaby NOW, April 20. Nick Kvenich considers that the mayor's trips are a waste of taxpayers' money, but I am holding a different view.