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Cost increase stinks

Cost increase stinks

Dear Editor: Re: Compost contract costs more than expected, Burnaby NOW, April 20. Once again our mayor has shown us why a single party government is not in the public's best interest. The mayor states that an increase of $1.
Don't blame smart meters

Don't blame smart meters

Dear Editor: Anyone who claims that their hydro bill jumped drastically once a smart meter was installed needs to consider the following fact: B.C. Hydro smart meters are still being read manually for billing purposes.
Quit wasting taxpayer dollars

Quit wasting taxpayer dollars

Dear Editor: Re: Mayor says trip to Mesa worth the money, Burnaby NOW, April 13. It's good to know when opposition political parties drop the ball, the news media is there to report the facts.
It's a bad year for youth

It's a bad year for youth

Dear Editor: So far, 2012 has been a very bad year for young Canadians from coast to coast to coast: an alarming unemployment rate of 13.
Is better always the best choice?

Is better always the best choice?

There's an urban legend, spread by the internet and an old The West Wing episode, with a moral about simplicity versus complexity. Supposedly, in the 1960s NASA realized that they didn't have a pen that could write in zero gravity.
Skipping bid process costs Canadians plenty

Skipping bid process costs Canadians plenty

When Canada's auditor general ripped into Ottawa's bungled effort to replace our aging fighter jets recently, he placed the blame for the debacle at the feet of deceiving bureaucrats.
No quick fix for doctors

No quick fix for doctors

Dear Editor: Re: Med student says red tape keeping her out of B.C., Burnaby NOW, April 11. I would suggest that Ms. Pluta's concerns, while valid, are not entirely realistic.
Can this all be an elaborate ruse by city MLA?

Can this all be an elaborate ruse by city MLA?

What happens after a politician has shot himself in both feet numerous times? Burnaby MLA Harry Bloy's latest public mishap - for want of a better term - happened this week when he launched into an attack on Adrian Dix in the legislature.
No defence for ex-KGB agent

No defence for ex-KGB agent

Dear Editor: Re: Hatred is uncalled for, Letters to the editor, Burnaby NOW, April 13. Ms.
Life lessons from a McBlunder

Life lessons from a McBlunder

Making a mistake at work feels awful, but when you're a reporter, it is also a very public experience - and often one with rippling consequences. As a reporter, I've made mistakes in my stories, particularly when I started out.