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Send him back to Russia

Send him back to Russia

Dear Editor: Re: Time for peace, Letters to the editor, Burnaby NOW, May 9. Canadians expect Canadian laws to be enforced fairly, not selectively.
Let's hope new rules keep our roads safe

Let's hope new rules keep our roads safe

No orderly society is entirely free. Any community that is subject to the rule of law must give up some of its liberty. In Canada, we're free to speak our minds, but not to yell "fire" in a crowd.
Where are the trustees?

Where are the trustees?

Dear Editor: What are the school trustees doing to protect the rights of those teachers who choose to volunteer? Teachers should have the right to follow their conscience.
Time to start trimming expenses

Time to start trimming expenses

Dear Editor: Re: Taxes to jump 3.9%, Burnaby NOW, May 9. I cannot wait any longer for the province to begin its audit of municipalities.
Every golden age has its dark side

Every golden age has its dark side

It truly is a golden age, a time that will be remembered fondly for decades. Historians will write of these glory days, and bards will sing of their triumphs. Possibly with the aid of Autotune. It's the golden age of superhero movies.
Teachers aren't 'ahead' at all

Teachers aren't 'ahead' at all

Dear Editor: Re: Teachers should quit while they're ahead, May 4. Burnaby NOW's Our View opinion article states that teachers should "quit while they're ahead." As a teacher, I hardly think that teachers are "ahead" right now.
Marketing malarkey aside - moms are great

Marketing malarkey aside - moms are great

Mother's Day. It is, to be sure, a day used by cardmakers and sellers of frying pans to squeeze some more nickels out of our bank accounts. The day is awash in false sentiment and efforts to pull our guilty heartstrings.
Win-win idea for schools

Win-win idea for schools

Dear Editor: Re: No vacation is 'cruel,' Letters to the editor, Burnaby NOW, May 4. Here we go again. Teacher concerned about the welfare of the students.
Time for peace

Time for peace

Dear Editor: Re: Campaign targets Lennikov - again, Burnaby NOW, April 11. This campaign by the Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Association has got to stop. The tone of the news article is harsh, showing no compassion for the Lennikov family.
Who's the real bully?

Who's the real bully?

Dear Editor: Re: Abbott criticizes teachers warning, Burnaby NOW, May 4.